Friday, January 27, 2012

Good Luck!!

Today is the first day of formal recruitment at my alma mater, Winthrop University! I wish I could be there to help out, but Im definitely sending good thoughts to my sisters as they find amazing new additions to join our group of women. Joining a sorority was definitely the best decision I ever made, and I can't imagine what my college experience would have been like without it. I have met my best friends through Delta Zeta, who I know will (and always are) be there for me when I need them.

                             *excuse a few of the creepy blurred faces...Some are Rho Gammas!

My sisters that I lived w/ senior year proud of graduating!!

At observant turtle's wedding!!

My BFFs and I traveled to England to visit one of our  sisters!

Good luck to all the other sororities out there going through recruitment!!

Happy Friday!


Whitney said...

Awwww, I love these pictures! Especially the one from my wedding. I love y'all!

a said...

lovely pictures:)